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Meet our Consultants

Our Milk Witch IBCLCs are all self-employed, independent, International Board Certified Lactation Consultants. We work cooperatively to improve the service for families and create a 'hive mind' and support system for us.

Our Consultations

We keep our consultations as flexible and bespoke as possible to allow us to meet your needs as unique individuals. Please do contact us to discuss how we can best help you if you have specific needs/wants.


The Milk Witch Package is a way of making sure you get consistency and support just when you need it. You buy a package of time with us which you can then use however best suits you.


Milk Witch strongly believe that finance should not be a barrier to you getting the support you need. We offer a range of options and  hold a small donated equity fund which can be used for full/partial funding if needed.



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